
For every step forward in tech or digital that you want to take, I can help you get there – my in-depth insights and learnings are based on my vast global experience. I’m here to support you: I can guide you through a range of learnings and insights from real-life cases and am not afraid to express my opinion to get you to where you want to be. This can help you to evaluate or adapt your plans, your go-to-market approach, or your company structure.


With my wide-ranging experience I bring fresh insights and perspectives to your organization. This can be extremely beneficial before you make any strategic decisions.

  • Presentations tailored to your needs
  • Leading and participating in discussions with your team
  • Facilitating workshops

Let’s talk about your needs and what works for you. I’ve been working in an agile way for years and can easily adapt to your requirements.


As an external person I bring you a fresh perspective, offering new insights and creative solutions – either onsite or online. I bring with me more than 20 years’ experience and a hands-on mindset and mentality. I know that it’s possible make an impact really quickly. For that reason I don’t offer a standard portfolio of services – instead, I work actively with you to deliver concrete results. I’m a builder and am completely focused on output.

Non-executive director

Many supervisory boards or non-executive directors put digital, data and technology at the top of the strategic agenda. In reality, however, they don’t always have the experience to create an objective and complete overview of their own digital transformation.

I can support your organization by setting up a framework to monitor the execution of this agenda, as well as advise you on how to maintain an aligned view on the strategy execution.

Let’s talk

Let me share my experience with you as we take your organization to the next level.

Get in touch